Classification results in barplot matlabclassificationimageDatastoretransformbarplot Transform (scale) image using transform function and classify image. Show results in bar plot.
Display Matlab buildin demo images matlabmontageimagesimageDatastore Read and display all buildin Matlab images with its file names
Part of Ursa Major constellation created with MATLAB scatter matlabscatter Draws stars based on their position and apparent magnitude, also their names and outline of the constellation
Classification of shapes by CNN matlabclassificationshapesalexnettransfer learning Use transfer learned Alexnet to classify shapes
Classification of handwritten digits matlabMNISTclassificationhandwrittendigits Select ROI from image and let it classify by CNN trained on MNIST dataset
Transfer Learning With AlexNet matlabalexnetimagesetshapestransfer learning An example of transfer learning with Alexnet neural network on a database of generated shapes
Training of convolutional neural network for classification of handwritten digits matlabtrainingMNISTclassificationhandwrittendigits Specify layers and training options and use matlab build-in digit data set for CNN training.
Creating an image set with various shapes matlabimagesetshapesrandomtransfer learning Generating imageset with different shapes like circle or rectangle for CNN learning
Classification of handwritten digit with CNN matlabMNISTclassificationhandwrittendigits Load cnn in onnx format. Resize and classify an image
1000 classes of ImageNet matlabImageNetalexnetclasses Displaying 1000 classes that are used to classification, e. g. by alexnet.
Image segmentation in HSV color space matlabsegmentationhsv How to isolate parts of similar color in an image
Distinguish between round and other binary objects matlabbinary imageshapes From black&white image with different objects, select only round ones (circles)
Filtering binary objects with kmeans matlabbinary imageshapeskmeans Binarize image, fill holes, clear border and separate unwanted small objects with help of k-means algorithm
Image classification using alexnet matlabalexnetclassification Convolutional neural network alexnet is used to classify image
Animation of binary image with variable threshold matlabbinary imageanimationgif Change threshold for image binarization and save animation as a gif
Handwritten numbers to binary image matlabbinary imageclassificationhandwrittendigits Conversion of handwritten numbers on a paper to binary image
Split and colorize channels of color image matlabRGBcolors Display RGB channels from color image as three different RGB images
Split and display channels of color image matlabRGBcolors Display RGB channels from color image as three different gray images
Local contrast increase on dental x-ray matlabdentalx-rayhistogramcontrast Let user to pick up a region and replace it with equalized one
Histogram "deequalization" - contrast decrease matlabhistogramcontrast Lower contrast of an image using simple math
Histogram equalization matlabhistogramcontrast Enhances the contrast of the image by (adaptive) histogram equalization
Reduce the number of colors by converting to indexed image matlabindexed imagecolors Load an image and convert it to index image with lower number of colors
Detect which image is sharper matlabedgesbinary imagesharpness Using edge detection to decide which image is sharper
Increase Image Resolution with CNN matlabsuper-resolutionvdsr Testing Very-Deep Super-Resolution (VDSR) neural network.